1st Semi-Annual BLACK Youth Brunch

1st Semi-Annual BLACK Youth Brunch

Join us for the 1st Semi-Annual Brunch: A Resolution-Based Discussion on Violence titled "BLACK YOUTH Have Something to Say." This event focuses on addressing violence within the Black community, providing a platform for young voices to share their perspectives and solutions. Engage in meaningful conversations led by youth who have experienced these issues firsthand and are ready to propose actionable resolutions. Our goal is to move from dialogue to tangible change, empowering young leaders to contribute to the creation of safer, more just communities. Be part of this important discussion and help drive the efforts towards ending violence, bringing force peace in our community so we can come together against the real enemies... RACISM AND OPPRESSION!

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Your message matters to us, and we're here to help you make a difference in your life. Reach out today and let's work together to create positive change.